I run the tool with ./duometer -t 0.6 -i /path/to/my/Notes/Joplin -o relatorio (I sync with file System)
I use 0.6 for similarity, see documentation https://www.pawelmandera.com/2015/11/06/en-duometer-tutorial/
Now run the bash script for some important rules.
# For calculate the elapsed time in seconds
start=`date +%s`
n1=0 # count number the lines in file
n2=0 # count number the lines after the first IF
n3=0 # Count number the lines after second IF
deleted1=0 # count number deleted files with name in FILENAME
deleted2=0 # count number deleted files with name in FILENAME2
#read report file of duometer
while IFS=$'\t' read -r first second nonimportant ; do
n1=$(($n1 + 1));
# verify If file exists, is not empty and are not pointing to the same file
if [ -n "$FILENAME" ] && [ -n "$FILENAME2" ] && [ -f "$FILENAME" ] && [ -f "$FILENAME2" ] && [ "$FILENAME" != "$FILENAME2" ] ; then
FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$FILENAME");
#FILEDATE=$(stat -c %y "$FILENAME");
FILESIZE2=$(stat -c%s "$FILENAME2");
#FILEDATE2=$(stat -c%y "$FILENAME2");
# read content of first line of two similarity Notes for compare the title is same
sed '
s/[[:space:]]\{1,\}/ /g; # turn sequences of spacing characters into one SPC
s/[^[:print:]]//g; # remove non-printable characters
s/^ //; s/ $//; # remove leading and trailing space
q; # quit after first line' < "$FILENAME"
sed '
s/[[:space:]]\{1,\}/ /g; # turn sequences of spacing characters into one SPC
s/[^[:print:]]//g; # remove non-printable characters
s/^ //; s/ $//; # remove leading and trailing space
q; # quit after first line' < "$FILENAME2"
n2=$(($n2 + 1));
# compare the contents
if [ "$content" = "$content2" ] && [ -n "$content" ] && [ -n "$content2" ]; then
n3=$(($n3 + 1));
# delete the note is lower size
if (( $FILESIZE2 >= $FILESIZE )); then
rm -rf $FILENAME;
apaga1=$(($apaga1 + 1));
rm -rf $FILENAME2;
apaga2=$(($apaga2 + 1));
# echo "$FILEDATE <-> $FILESIZE <<||>>$FILEDATE2 <-> $FILESIZE2 \n";
done < ./relatorio; # this is the name (relatorio) of report duometer
# For calculate the elapsed time in seconds
end=`date +%s`
echo "n1: $n1 <-> n2: $n2 <-> n3: $n3 <-> deleted1: $deleted1 <-> deleted2: $deleted2 <-> Time(S): $((end-start))";
My results (I never lost a note:)):
n1: 265835 <-> n2: 98362 <-> n3: 1126 <-> deleted1: 1122 <-> deleted2: 4 <-> Time(S): 1070 ->->->->->
NOTE: I am not liable for any loss if using this method and apologies for my English.
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